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School holidays

School Year 2024/25

The first day of school is Monday the 12th of August 2024.

The first day of summer break is Saturday the 28th of June 2025.

All dates are included.

School Holidays 2024/25
Autumn break (week 42)Christmas break and New YearWinter break (week 7)Easter breakAscension DayConstitution DayWhitsun/Pentecost
12-10-24 to 20-10-2421-12-24 to 05-02-1508-02-25 to 16-02-2512-04-25 to 21-04-2529-05-25 to 01-06-2505-06-2507-06-25 to 09-06-25

School Year 2025/26

The first day of school is Monday the 11th of August 2025.

The first day of summer break is Saturday the 27th of June 2026.

All dates are included.

School Holidays 2025/26

Autumn break (week 42)Christmas and New YearWinter holiday (week 7)EasterAscension DayWhitsun/PentecostConstitution Day
11-10-25 to 19-10-2520-12-25 to 04-01-2607-02-26 to 15-02-2628-03-26 to 06-04-2614-05-26 to 17-05-2623-05-26 to 25-05-2605-06-26

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Lolland International School
Skimminge 21
4930 Maribo

Telefon: +45 54 67 69 99
