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Code of conduct for staff and students

June 2023

Related documents

  • Bullying prevention and response strategy
  • Student Attendance policy
  • ICT acceptable use policy


A code of conduct is a set of principles, expectations, and/or rules given to staff, students and parents to make sure that the expectations that the school has for learning and behaviour clearly communicated to them.

Lolland International School believes everybody has the right to be safe, to feel safe, to feel welcomed, and feel included, in the school community.


  • Safety is everyone’s responsibility.
  • Everyone in our school community is responsible for promoting safe, caring relationships that respect human dignity.
  • Everyone is responsible for preventing harm.
  • Students, staff, volunteers, parents and guardians have additional responsibilities unique to their roles.
  • It is not possible to provide a complete ‘checklist’ of what is, or is not appropriate behaviour in all circumstances.

School Code of Conduct

The code of conduct is a common understanding for safe learning and working environments, where everyone respected, and treated with fairness and dignity. It also helps to prevent bullying in schools. The School Code of Conduct applies to students while they are at school, engaged in a school-related activity, or in other circumstances where the activity affects the school climate.

Bullying and harassment

  • We value one another and treat each other with respect and dignity.
  • Bullying and harassment in any form are wrong and hurtful and is never acceptable.
  • Everyone has a role to play as we work together to prevent, identify and respond to bullying and exclusion.
  • Where bullying does occur, we respond in a manner that is fair and appropriate with multiple strategies to prevent, and repair the harm caused by, bullying and exclusion.
  • We also use progressive discipline to prevent and respond to behaviour that violates this Code of Conduct.
  • See ‘Bullying prevention and response strategy’ for full description of bullying preventions and response strategies.

Student Expectations

Attendance: Students must attend all class. When arriving late or leaving early, students must check in and check out through their class teacher. When absent, due to illness, a message from a parent or guardian must be sent to the class teacher via Aula. See ‘student attendance policy’ for full details.

Health Concerns and Injury: Students who become ill during the school day must report to the main office. Any injury on school property must be reported to the main office followed by completion of an incident report.

Dress Code: Students are to dress in a manner, which is appropriate for school, the specific lesson, or school trip. Any clothing, which displays alcohol, illegal substances or demeaning/obscene language or images, is unacceptable.

Bicycles and other: To ensure the safety of staff and students, bicycles, scooters etc. are locked outside of the building at the bike racks.

Honesty: Violations of academic honesty include plagiarism, cheating or copying others’ work. Violations will result in school/home meeting to determine the level of penalty.

ICT Acceptable Use: Electronic devises are valuable educational resources. All students must sign the Acceptable Use Agreement upon registration. This agreement will ensure that network security and integrity is maintained. Computer access is a privilege that will be revoked in cases of breach of security, vandalism, misuse or misconduct. See ICT Acceptable Use Policy and Agreement.

Personal Electronic Devices: During the school day the use of mobile phones and electronic devices is not permitted. Personal electronic devices are to be powered off or set to silent and will be collected by the teacher. If permitted by the teacher, devices may be used for educational purposes. Students are not permitted to take photos of others without their permission. See ICT Acceptable Use Policy and Agreement.

Staff expectations

There is a general expectation of the school that staff will observe the following:

  • Maintain high personal standards of behaviour in dealing with other staff, volunteers, the board, parents and children.
  • Mobile phones are permitted in school, however, excessive use during the work day should be avoided.
  • It is the school’s policy to maintain an image of a professional public service organisation providing high quality services. Staff should ensure that they dress decently, safely, and appropriately for the roles they undertake.
  • Be polite to members of the public at all times.
  • Ensure that any information provided to third parties is in line with the GDPR.
  • Ensure that any significant concerns or complaints expressed to them by parents, careers or the general public are passed on to the leadership of the school.
  • Staff are not permitted to speak with the media without the direct permission from the principal or chairperson of the board.
  • Not discriminate unlawfully against any person and treat others equally regardless of ability, gender, age, race, position in school or any other protected characteristic.
  • All staff are accountable to the school for their actions.

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Lolland International School
Skimminge 21
4930 Maribo

Telefon: +45 54 67 69 99
